Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Adjusting to Nursery

It's been a week since M started nursery school.

I think M was prepped as well as she could have been for school. We talked about it, read books about it, watched shows about it, sang songs about it, and even attended creative classes in the same building with some of the same teachers she will have each and every day. It was all very intentional on my part as she takes time to feel comfortable with most things. She is not one to jump into anything but quietly observe from the sidelines and engage when she is ready.

On the first day, Davis had planned on taking her with me but we kept going back and forth trying to decide what was best for her and establishing the new daily routine. I asked M who she wanted to take her to school on her first day. She said mommy and daddy. I felt a great relief when she wanted daddy to come along too as selfishly, so did I. To be honest, I was dreading that good-bye.

As the time ticked on and parents disappeared, I knew it was time to make our move. That's when the tears came. I've always HATED goodbyes and see-you-soons. I plain suck at them because I always cry.

You see, it's been her and I for the past three years. We've spent so very much time together since I never went back to work full time. I was equally excited for this new freedom and I was going to miss my little monkey the 3 hours she was gone each morning.

Day 1 went very well but day 2 was a disaster. One of the teachers had to peel her off of me very upset as she would not let me leave. It absolutely broke my heart but I knew that I needed to leave and she needed to learn that school was a safe place where her teachers would take great care of her.

With the exception of day 2, the rest of the days have gone very well. Drop off can be a little teary but she is being so very brave and hugging me good-bye. I make sure she is busy with an activity she chose (with a teacher nearby). As I walk away, I blow some kisses and head out the door.

She comes out of nursery happy and ready to tell me about her day on our walk home. She's already made pizza, painted a self-portrait, practiced yoga and learned a song about mistakes.

One of the teachers has been wonderful about sending texts, letting me know about M's morning. She has been so sweet and cares as much about my adjustment too. It hasn't been easy but as long as M is happy and starting to thrive in school, all is well in my world. 


  1. this made me all teary! you are such a wonderful mama for being so intentional with how you eased her in to nursery. we went through this with j when we started her at the gym creche... it was traumatic and tear-filled, but now she runs on in and doesn't look back. xoxo

  2. This entry made me cry because I know it's still ahead for us… Waaahhh!
