Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday, I Love You!


This week brought new sandals. However, you must view them from afar as I am in dire need of a pedicure. Have not had one yet as I cannot stomach how much they cost here. I probably need to stop converting things since we live here now but I just can't. At least the sandals were on sale.


We officially have tea every night. It just seems like the thing to do.

When we moved in there was an ugly electric tea kettle in the kitchen. I wanted a new colorful Le Creuset but we quickly realized how amazing an electric tea kettle is. That bad boy boils water in less than a minute.

This week we started using the tea pot from our china that we got as a wedding gift from my Grandma Garvey. It makes me even happier to enjoy a cup of tea.

Dear Madeline,

Blueberries are not for pockets. Their stains do not come out.


M talks about her friends from LA all the time. She loves singing songs with their names and asking when they can play again. Breaks my heart especially since we had hoped to make a trip to see her bff visiting Austria this summer. Sadly, it's not going to work out anymore and I am not sure who is taking it harder- me or M...okay, it's me.

While we miss our old friends, new friends are pretty great! It made me so very happy to hear all of the giggles coming out of these two this week. We hit up our usual class at Maggie and Rose, returned home for naps and then met again at the fountain by our house for some water fun. Cuteness ensued and we planned more fun for next week.


All of the USA football matches have been airing at 23:00 so the Germany game was the first one M got to watch. We had dinner in front of the television and since it was the first time that had happened she thought it was pretty great. She kept cheering, "USA! USA!" and "Come on!"

Hoping the next game is on at an hour we can watch again together.

Apparently there is a wee bit of rain heading our way this weekend...



  1. "USA, USA, come on"??!! That's downright adorable.

    Please tell Miss Maddie that Los Angeles misses her right back. And you and Davis TOO!

  2. I enjoyed the reference to the "Tea Pot" that Grandma Garvey gave you as a gift that has suddenly been placed into service ! What a nice reminder of a wonderful lady !

  3. Hi Kelley I am trying to learn how to do this. your Dad is here with Jake. This the end as I am doing terribly.
