The best part of moving to a new city is you are never without something new to explore. We are absolutely loving our neighborhood. The weather has been kind to us so far and that has been especially appreciated since we came from a place where it is sunny and beautiful almost 100% of the time. We've found my local coffee/pastry shop, Davis' local juice bar, Madeline's park(s) and our local pub(s). And Davis found the florist too- right outside his tube stop- nice! I am pretty sure he will be bringing flowers home often- he has always been pretty awesome at that. Far too many restaurants to frequent with and without Madeline (we MUST find a babysitter asap!). Oh and the shopping, don't even get me started! Walking distance to so much including my all time favorite- Anthropologie! Being able to walk everywhere is my favorite part and I've ditched my Audi for a Bugaboo Bee. Perfectly. Happy.

Despite all of the loveliness, we've had some trouble adjusting to the 8 hour time difference- serious trouble. It stays lighter later in London so that has messed us up. We seem to be on a 9 to 9 schedule with Madeline and while it is better than the once 6:30 to 5:30, it's not ideal. We are trying to get on a better, therefore earlier schedule. So far, it's not going very well. Our first three nights were spent all scrunched together in a not-so-big bed. Our once easy bedtime routine has turned into little miss stalling her little heart out. And then there are many tears. I am hopeful we will soon be back to peaceful nights.
The house we are renting came completely furnished and once all of our stuff arrives, the landlords will take what we don't want away. I cannot imagine living in an empty house for 2-3 weeks and renting this particular house has made our transition easier since it already feels like home. And we even met one of our neighbors today- they have two little girls and mostly live in the country. How lovely.
Looking forward to showing you all pics of our new home soon.
The phone booth picture is a riot !