Monday, October 6, 2014

I blinked...

...and she is 2 and a half. Happy 2.5 my little monkey. I love you like crazy!

Every stage of M's life so far has come with parts I loved and parts I could maybe live without. Right now we are knee deep into the terrible twos. Those days, well you know- they are rough.

Along with the terribleness is the absolute adorableness that I just cannot get enough of.

The sweetness is on over-load over here. I just want to eat her up.

The hugs. Those little arms wrapping around me just make me melt. Especially when she user her muscles and squeezes extra hard.

The kisses. She puts her hands on each side of my face, looks into my eyes and gives me one on the lips or nose.

The I love yous. The amount of times a day she randomly stops what she is doing and says, "Mommy, I love you!" She always accentuates the love and it makes me stop and be in the moment.

In spite of M being a terrible 2 year old, I am feeling like I want to keep her this age forever.

Whoever said this sure knew what they were talking about. 


1 comment:

  1. this is the sweetest!! these toddlers are seriously the cutest and sweetest (and naughtiest) ever. happy half birthday sweet M!
