Friday, October 17, 2014

Five on Friday

Tiger has become M's favorite toy. We picked him up a few weeks ago at the London Zoo and it seemed she did not think much of him. She's never been attached to much of anything and suddenly he is everywhere with us. He's taken a few tumbles out of the pram and fortunately we've noticed- so far. I am thinking I'd better grab another one of these little fellas and start a rotation so in the event we lose this one somewhere around the city, we have a plan B. He is awfully cute and so very soft!

Since my mom is in town, we've been taking advantage of her staying with M at night and getting out to explore London without our toddler. This week we headed out to Brooklyn Bowl to see Lady Antebellum in concert. Yes, I do like me a little country music. Growing up in Colorado listening to it from time to time, the genre has a little place in my heart. Brooklyn Bowl is located inside the O2 which is a giant area in South East London that holds an indoor arena, Brooklyn Bowl, a cinema, an exhibition space, piazzas, bars and restaurants. Davis is such a good sport as he has accompanied me to concerts by bands he is less than thrilled about over the years. It was a very small venue and both Davis and I agreed that we'd be up for seeing just about anyone play there.

My mom brought a bunch of loot from the states when she came last week. Stuff I requested that we could not get here such as dark chocolate covered pretzels from Trader Joe's and Annie's Bunnies and Macaroni and Cheese, of course! She also brought some Jamberry Nails that I had wanted to try. We did one nail on each hand to give it a go. They have tons of super cute designs and easy to apply. Just need a bit of practice to get them smooth on your nail.

I bought myself a sewing machine. I've never actually used one. BUT I've always wanted to learn so here I go. I do love all things crafty and have lofty goals of making M bows and other random accessories galore. Since my mom is here I'm hoping she can show me the ropes as she has made M some very cute things.

So when you are going to start sewing you need pretty fabric so that prompted a trip to Liberty of London near Regent Street. It's my new favorite place and they don't just sell fabric. It's a department store that carries many of my favorite brands/designers and I really cannot wait to go back. I'd say it's one of those places not to miss when visiting London.

We are taking our family pictures this weekend and I am so excited as I've just adored the ones we've had taken each year since M was born. Since this is our first holiday in London, we will be using some of the iconic images around the city as backdrops. I've been busy planning our outfits this week. Can't wait to share them with you!

Hope you all have a splendid weekend! 


Brought to you by the lovely ladies behind: The Good Life, A. Liz Adventures, Carolina Charm & Hello! Happiness.


  1. I love those fabrics! And HORRAY for family pictures AND for a lil country :)

  2. Hi Kelley! Kristin shared your blog with me - it's adorable! Looking forward to reading more about your fun adventures! Miss seeing you around PV :)
